Please check out our upcoming events! Click on the events for more info and signup!

Good Enough - Lent worship series
In a culture that constantly pushes us toward perfection and endless self-improvement, our Lenten journey offers a refreshing alternative. "Good Enough" invites us to embrace our imperfections and discover the freedom that comes from self-acceptance. This countercultural series asks us to consider: What if life isn't about climbing ladders of success or collecting impressive experiences? What if, instead of striving for perfection, we learn to love ourselves as God loves us? Each Sunday during our 10:30 AM worship service, we'll discover how slowing down, letting go of unrealistic expectations, and embracing our authentic selves can lead to deeper spiritual growth. Whether you're a longtime member or new to our community, all are welcome to join this journey toward self-acceptance and discovering how much God loves you just as you are.

One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering March 30
Through One Great Hour of Sharing, lives are literally changed daily. Your support provides clean water, food, medicines, shelter, healthcare, education and so much more. One Great Hour of Sharing, part of Our Church’s Wider Mission, is the special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that carries God’s message of love and hope to people in crisis. The UCC works with international partners to provide sources of clean water, food, education and health care, small business micro-credit, advocacy and resettlement for refugees and displaced persons, and emergency relief and rehabilitation. One Great Hour of Sharing also supports domestic and international ministries for disaster preparedness and response.

Easter Egg Workshop - Saturday, April 5, at 10 AM
Join us for a traditional wax-resist Easter egg dyeing workshop with Sigrid! Learn the beautiful art of creating intricate patterns on eggs using wax and vibrant dyes. Sign up here!
Workshop Details
All ages are welcome! (An adult must accompany children)
All materials provided: hollow chicken eggs, wax, candles, and permanent dyes
The small class size ensures personalized instruction
Optional donation basket available to help cover material costs
Important Information
Pre-registration required - Some preparation work is needed before the workshop
Limited spots available - Register early to secure your place
Dress appropriately - Please wear clothing you don't mind getting colorful (dyes may stain)
Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the workshop begins
If you have any questions, contact Sigrid at

Social Justice Bible Challenge
We invite and encourage you to participate in the Social Justice Bible Challenge during this Lenten season. The 40 Day Bible Challenge bridges the gap between knowing the Bible and living it. The devotional study guide includes Bible passages, meditations of spiritual leaders from around the world, questions for reflection and prayers. Take this Lent as an opportunity to dig into the Bible, connect it with your life, and express it through your actions.
We will meet on Zoom one more time during Lent to reflect together on the Challenge: Sunday, April 6, at 7 p.m. Here’s the Zoom link.

Help Messy Church by Donating Items for Hygiene Kits
We're assembling hygiene kits for Church World Service during our next Messy Church on April 13 and would appreciate your help with donations. Church World Service is a faith-based organization that provides practical support to communities facing hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster around the world.
1-gallon resealable plastic bag
Fingernail or toenail clipper (packaging removed)
Toothbrush (in original packing)
Bath-size bar of soap (in original packaging)
Travel-size deodorant (3.4 oz. or less, non-aerosol)
Travel-size lotion (3.4 oz. or less, fragrance-free, NEW only)
Travel-size shampoo (3.4 oz. or less, NEW only)
Travel-size toothpaste (3.4 oz. or less, expiration date of 1 year)
Sturdy wide-tooth comb (6” minimum teeth, packaging removed)
Please drop donations in the coat room. Thanks for considering this opportunity to help others!

Messy Church April 13 at 4 PM
Join Us for our Easter Messy Church on Sunday, April 13, at 4 PM! We’ll explore how “Jesus Cares for Us” through creative activities, including making Easter gardens, dyeing Easter eggs, baking resurrection rolls, creating sugar scrubs, assembling hygiene kits for Church World Service, and much more. Experience the story of Jesus’ last meal with his friends through our celebration, followed by a delicious meal together. People of all ages are welcome. An adult must accompany children. Please sign up to help us prepare for you.
For more information, contact Sigrid at

Meet & Eat April 27
Hungry for both food and fellowship? Join us Sunday, April 27th for our Meet & Eat gathering right after the 10:30 AM worship service at St. Paul's.
This isn't just lunch—it's where our church family really connects. Come share stories, laughter, and of course, delicious food with familiar faces and new friends alike.
Got a favorite dessert recipe? Bring it along! Those sweet treats are always the perfect finale to our time together.
Please sign up in advance so we can prepare accordingly. Whether you've been with us for years or this is your first Sunday with us—there's always a place for you at our table!

Meet & Eat
Join us for our Meet & Eat fellowship gathering on March 23, immediately following our 10:30 AM worship service. This special time of community and connection offers the perfect opportunity to deepen relationships with members and friends of St. Paul’s while enjoying a delicious Italian-themed meal together. Bring a dessert to share if possible. This sweet addition to our meal always makes for a wonderful conclusion of our time together! Please sign up so we can plan ahead. Whether you’re a longtime member or visiting for the first time, all are welcome at our table!
Whether you’re a longtime member or visiting for the first time, all are welcome at our table.

Messy Church
Join us for Messy Church on March 9 at 4 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Selinsgrove, PA. Our Messy Church team has many fun (and slightly messy) activities and crafts planned for us, and we hope you can join us as we explore the Bible story of Luke 7:36-50 together. The Bible teaches us a lot about forgiveness – how we can be forgiven and how we should be willing to forgive others. Most of us don’t always find this easy, especially if we have been hurt. Still, in teaching his followers to pray, Jesus includes the lines, ‘Forgive our sins, just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us’ (Matthew 6:12). Jesus’ forgiveness is not like our natural inclination to only forgive as we feel is justified, but instead it is a forgiveness for all, and of all. He wants us to forgive others this way, too.
Please sign up so we can better prepare for all.

Easter Flowers
Brighten our Easter Sunday worship with spring flowers! The Worship Committee is creating a beautiful flower garden display for April 20. Plants may be ordered using this online form, the paper form in the church foyer, or by calling the church office at 570-374-8749. Orders must be received by Tuesday, March 18. Plants can be dedicated in memory or honor of loved ones, and all dedications will appear in the newsletter. Take your flowers home after the 10:30 AM Easter service as a reminder of our resurrection celebration.
This Easter, instead of purchasing lilies for our sanctuary, you can make a lasting difference through our Non-Lily Ministry. Your donation will benefit Hoffman Homes for Youth, a UCC-affiliated residential treatment center serving children ages 6-17 with mental health needs and histories of trauma. For over 100 years, Hoffman Homes has provided critical services including therapeutic care, healthcare, and safe housing for up to 141 children in South Central Pennsylvania. Your gift, made in memory or honor of a loved one, creates lasting impact. All donors and honorees will be acknowledged in our April newsletter. Thank you for extending resurrection hope to vulnerable children this Easter season.

Hot Topic Learn about Ramadan
Hot Topic - March 2 at 9 a.m. - Learn about Ramadan
This year, Ramadan is taking place from Friday, February 28 to Saturday, March 29. Come learn about Ramadan and what it means to our Muslim brothers and sisters. Local Imam Muhammad Ali (Bucknell and SU’s Muslim Chaplain) will present on this topic.
You can participate on Zoom by clicking on this link.

United in Song
Bring your friends and family to celebrate the music ministries of Central Association Congregations and enjoy a variety of performances with a reception to follow in the fellowship hall. Enjoy several of our choirs and small groups performing, participate in singing congregational hymn favorites, and a massed choir performance. A freewill offering will support a local ministry.

Winter Gathering
ONA Ministry Team Winter Gathering - March 1
For more info and registration info, click here. This event is a Zoom and in-person event. Please register by Monday, February 24.

Meet & Eat February 16
Our first Meet and Eat of the spring (even if it doesn’t feel much like spring!) will be on Sunday, February 16, right after the morning service. This time, our menu will be crock pot cooking- so hearty soups, stews, or chili. We’ll also provide rolls, salad, and dessert. Rather than ask for homemade desserts, as we typically do, we will be ordering a cake to celebrate Reverend Grace’s ordination, which took place on February 8 in CT. We would love to have volunteers bring a crockpot of their favorite meal to share. You can sign up here.
Looking forward to sharing a time of food and fellowship and wishing our congratulations to Rev. Grace!

Become a Prayer Partner
Become a Prayer Partner in 2025! Here's how it works: by submitting your name, you will be randomly assigned the name of a person for whom you will pray throughout the year. Every six weeks or so, and on their birthday, you will send your prayer partner a card letting him/her know that you are praying for them, signed with "Your Prayer Partner" and with the return address being 400 N Market St, Selinsgrove, PA 17870. Next Christmas, you will reveal yourself to your prayer partner with a small gift. You will also receive a randomly selected prayer partner to pray for you and send you cards. Thank you for participating!

Wholly Human, Holy Divine
We will explore in worship who Jesus is and who we are as we live into our calling to reflect his light during the Epiphany season, beginning on January 12 and ending on March 2. As we focus on Jesus, his human and divine nature, we learn how he reflects our fully human nature and the divine spark in us. In our limited human circumstances, we reflect God’s eternal light as Jesus affirms us, “You are the light of the world. Let your light shine!” (Matthew 5:14-16). Make God a priority this year, and join us for meaningful and moving worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Messy Church
Join us for the first Messy Church of 2025 on January 12 at 4 p.m. We are exploring the theme of mercy through engaging activities and the inspiring story of Jesus healing the man at the pool of Bethesda. There might be bubbles involved… Come and experience a time of fun, reflection, and community as we learn how to show and receive mercy in our lives. Signing up helps us be well-prepared for all of you.

Hot Topic - Human Trafficking
Join us Sunday, January 5th from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. for our first Hot Topic of the year! January is Human Trafficking Awareness month, and we want to be a community that is aware of and helpful to the human, labor, and sex trafficking victims in counties along Route 15 in PA. To achieve this awareness, we will have experts from Transitions of PA and Justice for Work present on those topics. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and coffee with our guests. Everyone in the community is invited to join us for this important discussion

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:00 p.m. - Church Council combined our two Christmas Eve services this year. We invite you to the 6:00 p.m. Candlelight Celebration service, which will be brimful with beautiful Christmas music, a meaningful and moving message, and the traditional candlelight with "Silent Night, Holy Night." Please invite your family and friends to our 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve celebration!

Christmas Caroling
Christmas Caroling on December 15 at 4 p.m. - Help us spread Christmas cheer to our homebound members. It's a great opportunity for children and adults alike to bring joy to others. We will meet at the church and then carpool.

Christmas Pageant
The Sunday School children and their dedicated helpers will put on a charming Christmas pageant during our worship service on Sunday, December 15. We warmly invite everyone to come and enjoy what will surely be a delightful and heartwarming presentation filled with the spirit of the season.

Woven Star Workshop
If you want to learn how to make a beautiful woven star, we have the workshop for you! On December 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Sigrid will teach you how to make this beautiful star. No prior weaving experience is required! You first will create a practice star and most likely will have time to make a second star in the colors of your choosing. This project is for adults and children who are 12 or older and are accompanied by a parent/responsible adult. You must sign up in order to attend the workshop, as some prep work is required, and we need to ensure we have enough supplies. The number of participants is limited so that we can give adequate attention to each participant, so sign up soon. A fee of $6 per person will go towards the cost of the materials for 2 stars. I can’t wait to see you there and show you how to make this beautiful star. Sign up now!

Messy Church "God enters the world"
Experience the true essence of Christmas at our Messy Church on December 8 at 4 p.m., where we explore how God humbly joined us in our struggles and joys through Jesus’s birth. He was conceived by an unmarried teenager and soon to become a refugee. He knows what it is like to be human, struggle, and suffer, and can understand, support, and guide us through life. Dive with us into the nativity story with engaging activities, thought-provoking questions, and creative crafts that bring the wonder and excitement of Christmas to life. Perfect for families and individuals alike, come and experience the true meaning of Christmas in a fun and interactive way. Please sign up so we can prepare everything for you.

Hanging of the Greens
Hanging of the Greens - Come help us decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas! Many hands are needed to make our worship space festive. Cookies and a little snack will be provided.

Thanksgiving Service
As the holidays are starting to sneak up on us, know that on November 24th, we will have a Thanksgiving service at Saint Paul’s. Our wonderful Worship Team will make the space feel warm and homey as we think about time together with family, friends, and loved ones. Pastor Grace will lead and preach this service, with Jaime Namminga and Julia Dudek providing music!

Poinsettia Order Deadline
We are now accepting orders for red poinsettias to adorn the sanctuary during Christmas. You can honor or remember a loved one by purchasing a poinsettia in their name. You can also donate money to Bethany's Children's Home or an American Indian Congregation. Please place your order here by Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

Stewardship Sunday
"How to Embrace the Future with Hope" will be the focus of our worship service on our Stewardship Sunday, November 17, at 10:30 a.m. We will explore how we can invest in God's bright future for us.

Messy Church November 10
St. Paul’s Messy Church will participate again this year in the Selinsgrove Library Tree Fest of Children’s Books. We picked a delightful book about all the colors of Christmas and planned many fun activities for everybody. Come and help us create the many ornaments in all the colors of Christmas to decorate the St. Paul’s Messy Church tree that will be proudly displayed in the library from November 20 until January 4.

New Member Orientation
Are you interested in exploring more about St. Paul’s and what it takes to join our congregation officially? We already have a small group of people who want to join, and Pastor Dietmar is offering a New Member Orientation beginning Sunday, October 20, following our worship service. The group will learn more about who we are as St. Paul’s, our vision, mission, and ministries, and what meaningful membership will look like. We will get to know each other more closely, clarify expectations, and answer questions. There will be refreshments. The new member orientation takes place over three meetings on Sunday after worship, on October 20, October 27, and November 10, with the opportunity to officially join St. Paul’s during our worship service on November 17. Please indicate your interest in participating in the New Member Orientation to Pastor Dietmar at or (570) 541-0121 or to the church office at Thank you!

Meet & Eat October 27
We invite you to our second Meet & Eat on October 27 after church. Enjoy a shared meal and good company with members and friends of St. Paul's. Please sign up so we know how many people to plan for. If you can, bring a dessert to share.

Untitled Event
The Selinsgrove VFW will host our Loaves and Fishes Food Bank for their Thursday, October 17, Bacon Burger Benefit Night starting at 5 p.m. This event is open to the public and is a bargain at $7 for the burger, choice of French fries, onion rings, macaroni and cheese, and a fountain drink. Randy Tanner will need a few people to join him at 4 p.m. to clean tables and to help set up. He will also need a few servers to help serve starting at 5 p.m. Last year’s turnout was fantastic, and we hope for another well-attended night.

Messy Church October 13
We're excited to invite you to join us at Messy Church on Sunday, October 13th, at 4 p.m. to explore the love of Jesus. Jesus reminds us to love one another as he has loved us, which is super important. We'll chat about how we can extend this love to everyone, even those we might not see eye to eye with. Just imagine how awesome the world would be if we focused on spreading love, challenging hate, and reaching out with peace!
At Messy Church, we'll be having a blast painting gourd birdhouses, making and savoring campfire cookies, fixing up hearts, doing leaf paintings, creating gratitude paper pumpkins, decorating cute little lanterns, and a whole bunch more. We'd love to have you with us!

Hot Topic - Stories from the Congo DRC
Shane Sanders, Assistant Director of the GO Program at Susquehanna, will present to community members about her recent time in the Congo DRC - one of the 5 poorest countries in the world. She will share her experience staying in the capital of Kinshasa to visit orphaned children of the ongoing civil war, and the team that cares for them. Come join the conversation about this aspect of what it means to be a global citizen. A Q&A with coffee will follow the 45-minute presentation. All are welcome to join in this conversation!

Meet & Eat
Our first Meet & Eat of the new program year will take place on September 29th after church, and everyone is invited. We're looking forward to sharing a meal and fellowship with you! Please sign up so we know how many people to plan for. If you can, bring a dessert to share.

St. Paul’s All Church Picnic and Messy Church
Hey there! We are so excited to invite you to St. Paul’s All Church Picnic on Kickoff Sunday, September 8th, at East Snyder Park from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. It's going to be a lovely afternoon filled with good food and even better company. We'd love for you to bring a dish to share and your own reusable plates, cups, and utensils to help us reduce waste. Don't forget to sign up so we can plan for your arrival and know what delicious dish you'll be bringing. And guess what? At the same time and place, we'll be having Messy Church with the theme “Who is God? What is God like?” It's going to be double the fun and excitement! We can't wait to see you there! Oh, and just in case it rains, the event will be moved to September 15th.

Hot Topic Conversation on Gun Violence
Hot Topic on Gun Violence on September 8 at 9 a.m. in St. Paul’s sanctuary - As a community, we will come together to engage in the topic of gun violence, presented by Dave Wilson, President and CEO of Citizens for Gun Safety. The Surgeon General, America’s top doctor, issued a first-of-its-kind advisory recently, declaring gun violence a national public health crisis and recommending it be treated as such. Dr. Wilson raises awareness about gun violence being a public health crisis and provides hope with proven common sense solutions on how to reduce gun violence deaths. A Q&A with coffee will follow the 45-minute presentation. All are welcome to join in this important conversation!